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Metro TV

Metro TV was established in August 2000. Beginning with 280 employees, Metro TV operating for the most part in the newsroom and production. Metro TV corresponds among the subsidiary company of the MEDIA GROUP owned by Mr. Surya Paloh. Metro TV lived broadcast upon twenty-fifth of Nov 2000 for a trial run action with only twelve hours a day of programme time.
But starting 1st of April 2001, it was aired for 24 hours a day. Metro TV consists of 60% news and 40% entertainment programs in the weekdays, and 60% entertainment programs and 40% news in the weekend. Metro TV news is brought out in 3 languages: Indonesian, English, and Mandarin.
Metro TV offers local and International Headline News and comprehensive news program in all fields: political, economic, business and investments, criminality, art & culture, and history documentations in a quick, credible and reliable way, not only needed by our local society but also as a reference to international Press Agencies.
You will be trained, developed intensively and be involved in hands-on project to become future leaders of the company to deal with competitive business environment. You will get a comprehensive training which consists of combination of in class & on the job training. The program is designed to develop future leader by providing knowledge and direct practice on our core business.
Currently we are opening positions as follows:

MT - Camera Person
CamDP – Camera Person Development Program
Jakarta | Walk in Interview : 30 Des 2011 and 6-7 Jan 2012

Trainee Program for News Camera PersonEducation S1 in any major, with GPA min 3.00, Max age 26 years , TOEFL Score min. 450, Interested in Camera and Journalistic, Good eyesight (No wearing glasses), Strong Leadership, Pleasant Personality, Good Team Player, Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours, Good interpersonal and Communication Skill,
MT - Journalist
JDP- Journalist Development Program
Jakarta | Walk in Interview : 6-7 January 2012

Trainee Program for News ReporterEducation S1 in any major, with GPA min 3.00, Max age 26 years , TOEFL Score min. 500, Camera Face and Interested in Journalistic, Strong Leadership, Pleasant Personality, Good Team Player, Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours, Good interpersonal and Communication Skill,
How to Apply:
For those interested candidates, please bring along your CV on our Walk in Interview on:
Universitas Al Azhar, 30 December 2011
Grand Lobby Metro TV Kedoya - Kebon Jeruk, 6-7 January 2012

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